Research Interests of each Department

1/ Oral & maxillofacial surgery:

The department consists of two divisions, the Department of Surgery and the Division of Oral Diseases. Students of the third year, i.e. the fifth semester, start studying oral diseases and continue to teach the subject in the sixth semester to qualify them to start studying oral and maxillofacial surgery, which begins early in the sixth semester in the pre-clinical part.  Surgery continues from the sixth to tenth semester to cover all aspects of oral and maxillofacial surgery.
The students of the fourth year, i.e. the seventh semester, begin clinical training for the subject and dealing with patients in clinics.

2/ Dental Public Health:

Dental public health is science and art of preventing and controlling dental diseases and promoting dental health through organized community efforts. It is that form of dental practice which serves the community as a patient rather than the individual, it is concerned with the dental health education of the public, with applied dental research, and with the administration of group dental care programs as well as the prevention and control of dental diseases on a community basis (Adopted May 1976).

 3/ Basic Dental Sciences:

Basic Sciences Department is considered to be the largest department in the College of Dentistry. It deals with the sciences that are basic to learn Dentistry, preparing students for professional subjects in the last 2 years of their college life. The subjects of this department are mainly studied in the first, second and the third year of study in the college.
The Department gives space to students how to deal with patients through using tools and materials correctly. It comprises of six divisions namely Anatomy, Biochemistry, Physiology, Pharmacology, Microbiology and Pathology. The undergraduate dental students undergo courses consisting of lectures, practicals, tutorials and dissections.

4/ Periodontics:

The Department of periodontology is one of the clinical specialized departments in the Faculty of Dentistry. The Department provides specialized treatment services and surgery of gingivitis, periodontitis and dental implants as well as conducts research at the level of basic and clinical sciences. The Department also trains students to examine the periodontal tissues clinically and radio graphically, to identify the pathological changes that affect these tissues, to develop consistent treatment plans suited to each case and to use different methods of oral hygiene and prevention.

5/ Operative & endodontic:

Conservative dentistry and endodontic is a branch of dentistry concerned with the conservation of the teeth in the oral cavity. It embraces the practice of operative dentistry and endodontic and includes various kinds of direct restoration and indirect restoration- using different restorative material- of individual teeth.
The primary goal is prevention, diagnosis and treatment of dental caries and other defects of natural teeth; techniques and procedure to full function and appearance in an aesthetically pleasing manner with as little loss of healthy tooth structure.
Performing root canal treatment (endodontic) and associated surgical procedures to rid the tooth of it offending disease. The treatment provided includes various fillings, root canal treatment, bleaching and management of traumatized teeth.
To train undergraduate students to a level competent in the restoration, rehabilitation and maintenance of the dentition. Provide optimal supervision of students by well-qualified staff through workshop and continued staff development programs.

6/ Removable prosthodontics:

Prosthetic dentistry is the branch of dentistry pertaining to the restoration and maintenance of oral functions, comfort, appearance and health of the patient by restoration of teeth and/or replacement of the missing structures with removable and fixed dental prosthesis. It also encompasses the treatment of lost maxillofacial structures as well as management of patients with implant prosthesis. An understanding of the choice of material and technique is crucial in delivering a high standard of prosthetic care.
The Prosthodontics Department is responsible for teaching undergraduate students in several areas: Removable Prosthodontics, Dental Laboratory Technology, Occlusion and TMJ Dysfunction, Dental Implants, Maxillofacial Prosthodontics. Our students understand value and apply evidence-based dentistry to the solution of patient’s clinical problems. The field of Prosthodontics involves the restoration of morphology, function and esthetics
Curriculum is designed such that students go through simulation and bench courses to learn the fundamental skills evolving to more complex Prosthodontics cases in the Advanced Prosthodontics course and clinics. Courses are evaluated and updated annually for contents and are augmented with technology to teach the latest techniques in Prosthodontics within comprehensive treatment planning, Implant Dentistry, Occlusion and Aesthetics.

7/ Fixed prosthodontics:

The Department of Fixed Prosthodontics duties includes teaching of fixed prosthodontics, research and clinical services. The department includes a pre-clinical phantom head lab for pre-clinical training of undergraduate students and a dental technology laboratory that is equipped with up to date technologies. This facilitates the teaching and learning of fixed prosthodontics to our undergraduate students while maintain delivery of a good clinical service.

8/  Orthodontics:

The undergraduate training in orthodontics and maxillofacial orthopedics focuses in developing the knowledge and skills to identify the developing malocclusions and make students familiar with treatment options in orthodontics. More emphasis is given to the category of case that needs interception within the range of capability of future general practitioner.
dental students. This
the background of the
dent facial
structures, characteristics
of normal occlusion, etiology
and an introduction of orthodontic diagnosis, evaluation and treatment planning in orthodontics in order to treat limited orthodontic cases. The student will learn identify the patients who can be treated by a general practitioner and those who will require referral to a dental specialist.

9/ Pedodontics:

The department of pediatric dentistry provides clinical guidance on preventive and curative oral health care for infants and children through adolescence, including those with special health care needs.
The department of pediatric dentistry seeks to disseminate comprehensive training and provide under graduate students with experience so that they acquire knowledge, values, and skills to enable them to effectively deal with and analyze the problems faced by the child and enhance critical thinking.
Teaching includes a curriculum designed to provide students with the greatest possible exposure to pediatric dentistry with qualified and effective faculty members to supervise and focus on the basic sciences and clinical aspects.
The faculty members are involved in teaching 3rd, 4th, and 5th year dental students through lectures, seminars, and small group format in both the clinical and preclinical components of the courses