
About the Pharmacy

People usually resort to the pharmacist as the first source of advice to help treat their minor or major health problems. This makes him the most accessible member of the health care team. The health institutes have recognized the significance and importance of the role of the pharmacy in appropriate health care provision. In response to these and to the society’s expectations for greater accountability to higher education.  🠚

Award of the Degree

The Academic Board of the Nile University shall award the degree of B. Pharm. upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Pharmacy after successful completion of all the degree requirements. 🠚

Department of  Pharmacology

Pharmacology (in Greek: pharmakon is drug, and logos is science) is the science concerned with all aspects of the action of drugs and other chemicals on living systems. Pharmacology provides insights into key areas of health and disease, including the discovery of new therapeutic targets, the mechanisms whereby drugs elicit responses in cells, and the nature of side-effects of drugs.
Pharmacology is the multidisciplinary science bringing together several biomedical sciences such as physiology, biochemistry, pathology and cell biology to create a comprehensive framework for understanding and treating diseases.

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

The Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry of the Faculty of Pharmacy at Nile University seeks to keep and advance its national recognition and will lead the way toward effective global health care by developing innovative teaching practices for both undergraduate and graduate levels, advancing research and practice, and merging true entrepreneurial spirit with care and compassion. Preeminence in core areas will be strengthened in order to provide the foundation upon which pharmaceutical chemistry staff members can contribute to interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research that addresses societal problems .


Department of Pharmacy Practice & Clinical Pharmacy

The department is staffed by a group of dedicated members who are committed to achieve the department’s mission and objectives and prepare our graduates to be competent pharmacists who can improve patient’s life.
The department offers several courses covering clinical, community and hospital pharmacy
It aims to introduce the student to clinical pharmacy practice; develop skills integrated with knowledge which enable students to improve the community health care.


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Department of Pharmaceutics

Pharmaceutics department excellence is demonstrated by the quality of curriculum and instruction, student performance, and faculty professional accomplishments.
Our mission to render professional skill, knowledge, abilities to serve in pharmaceutical industries and to provide appropriate medication service to the patient. The curriculum philosophy aims to provide ability to deals with the practical aspects of manufacturing, formulation and evaluation of various pharmaceutical dosage forms and their physicochemical and biopharmaceutical aspects.
The subject also helps the students to acquire knowledge and skill to apply quality assurance principles, including legal and ethical aspects involving drugs, delivering a quality assured product as per the pharmacopoeia, current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP), WHO and ISO standards.


Department of Pharmacognosy

To be a distinguished department in research and education of pharmacy for students in the field of Pharmacognosy locally and regionally

