Nile University offers a bachelor’s degree with honors for the specialization in information systems, which contains two departments, management information systems and health information systems Management information system degree (MIS) combine information technologies and managerial decision-making methods to analyze, design, implement, and manage computerized information systems in an organizational setting. MIS graduates pursue careers in a variety of business roles that specialize in computer-based resources, information resource management, and computer systems development. Information technology professionals are currently some of the most sought-after employees in the business, and information systems are one of the most difficult areas for companies to find qualified job candidates. Degree Requirements: Programs require students to complete 164 credit hours to offer honor degree. Requirements include: foundation courses required for Professional Admission*, general education requirements, professional core courses, free electives and a set of specific MIS courses. Sample MIS Courses: Introduction to Java Programming; Algorithms and Data Structures; Data Communications and Networking; Database Management Systems; Management Information Systems; IT Infrastructure Management; Decision Support Systems; and IS-Entrepreneurship. MIS graduates will find career opportunities wherever computers are used in business, industry and government. Here are a few examples: Website Management-E-commerce Development-Decision Support Systems-Credit and billing Systems-Inventory Control Systems-Software Product Development-Knowledge management systems and business analysis. The MIS Department interest in research area related to Health system, data & informatics and building system that support health care system and patient record.