Message from the presedient



I would like to welcome the students who joined Nile University this year. And those who are still with us from the previous year, and congratulate those who graduated and left us to real experience and practice in real-life situations wishing them a successful future .


To those who were promoted to higher classes, I have a word of advice, specifically for the ones who just made it. I know you can do better. It is sad to have one or two supplemaiies is difficult but having more is hard  and needs will, determination and effort to overcome The results of the exams, despite the difficulties of the pandemic and civil unrest, were better than expected; thanks to the efforts of the academic, administrative and supporting staff.


Unfortunately, there are exam regulations that must be applied to a small minority who had to leave the university; because of the inability to attain the academic standards set by the various faculties. 


It is important to emphasize that the University is influenced by social political and economic changes in the country. We cannot be an island of sanity in a mad world, but we can exhibit a level of sanity consistent with professionalism.

It is towards this goal that we need to guide our behaviour, our appearance, our dress, caring for our health, caring for others and our society and country at large.

So please take care of yourselves during difficult times. Your health is of paramount importance for achieving your goals and the hopes of others who care for you.

More specifically, it does no good to follow people who use or peddle drugs. These individuals are like cancer that will destroy their surroundings and eventually prove fatal. Smoking and dressing in various unusual ways will attract such cancerous people to you- so be careful. 

I wish you a happy and successful passage through the various stages of your studies; your participation in extracurricular activities and community services is desired and commendable.

A final word for those who just joined NU, and for some who have not set their goals yet. You do not study to pass examination; you study to achieve the goal of what you WANT TO BE in society in the profession, in the whole world.

These goals will determine what is important and what is trivial and what should be avoided. I hope every one of you will have a goal and work for it.   

Together we will achieve our aspirations. 

Wihing you a successful study  and promising future


Prof : Zein Alabdin A Karrar