Nile University – Sudan

Methods of Teaching & Learning

The methods of teaching are lecture-centred instruction and student-centred instruction to master the concepts related to the course and framework of the subject’s matter.

Tutorial and seminars help students gain confidence and motivation to teamwork.

The interactive lectures will be used judiciously through various multimedia and internet platform and applications.

Most of these tests use advanced equipment.

Methods of teaching

  • Teacher-centered Learning.
  • Project-Based Learning.
  • Social Emotional Learning.
  • Flipped Classroom Model.
  • Collaborative Learning Strategies.
  • Inquiry-Based Learning.
  • Problem-based Learning.
  • Personalized Learning.

The University Act and Statutes

  • Seminars 
  • Small group discussion in general life topics
  • Sports (football, swimming,)
  • Scientific clubs 
  • Societies 
  • Tribes