Nile University – Sudan

Education Development Unit (EDU)

The EDC at Nile University

Never think that you are too old or two knowledgeable to learn new things. Such an attitude only leads to loss of vitality and may indeed be a sign of the accumulation of outdated practices.

One such person once said, “I have been teaching for the last 30 year. You are not going to tell me how to do it now,” to which a young man replied, but sir, you may have been doing the wrong thing for the last 30 years.”
There is always new knowledge to obtain, new experiences to accumulate, and new methods and protocols to adopt, to help us to continually do things better and more professionally.

EDU has a program aimed not only towards the young and developing staff, but also towards those with considerable experience and know-how, to share their experience with others.

The program has a series of workshops designed to bring newer knowledge in education to the teaching staff.

It is advisable that all Professors attend the workshops in the three areas of direct relevance to them.

Education Planning, Teaching and Learning, and the all-important area of Assessment and Evaluation.

Be on the lookout for EDC program news! EDC staff are always ready to respond to training needs and answer questions about and provide information on its activities.

Professor Amal Mahmoud Saeed

Director, NU, EDC


The Educational Development Centre at Nile University is an in-house professional development center for staff. The EDC is dedicated to the continuous improvement of the teaching and learning environment at, as well as research capabilities of Nile University.


To develop independent, competent professionals possessing expertise in teaching, management, program assessment and evaluation, and research.


  1. To give the academic staff an opportunity to assess and develop their professional expertise as educators using evidence-based criteria for good practice.
  2. To support teachers in developing the educational knowledge, skills and competencies needed for planning effective learning experiences and managing of their students’ learning, including taking into account the needs and backgrounds of students in the design of specific teaching methods.
  3. To provide a forum for communication between teachers in the University with the aim of improving educational programs organization, learners’ performance and satisfaction.
  4. To ensure continual improvement of the quality of teaching management, leadership and the quality of learning at Nile University.
  5. To assess and support curriculum development.
  6. To cooperate with other Universities in Sudan and abroad in teaching, training and other educational endeavours.
  7. To develop teachers’ research capabilities including writing research proposals and scientific papers.
  8. To act as a focal centre for the training needs of the university personnel. 
  9. To offer educational and training for the community of universities in Sudan.
  10. To award Certificates, Diplomas and Degree Courses in education and leadership.

Teaching / learning methods

The approach employed by the EDU is learner-centered, based on active participation in a supportive environment.


Evaluation is done through direct feedback and questionnaires.

Regulations of the Educational Development Unit


The Educational Development Unit is established at Nile University to serve as the professional and technical reference for enhancing and developing the educational process at the university.


a. Supporting the periodic review and development of the university’s curricula. b. Improving the educational process by adopting the latest technical and pedagogical advancements in the development and delivery of education. c. Organizing training programs to enhance the teaching and professional capabilities of faculty members in various fields. d. Promoting and supporting scientific research in teaching and professional training, particularly in medical and health-related fields. e. Establishing and fostering relationships and joint activities with relevant institutions both domestically and internationally.

Organizational Structure:

Unit Staff:

a. Unit Coordinator. b. Information Technology Specialist. c. Educational Development Expert. d. Office Services Secretary.

Unit Committee:

  1. Dean: Chairperson.
  2. Two faculty members with the rank of professor.
  3. Representatives of program coordinators.
  4. Director of the University Website Unit: Member.

Committee Responsibilities:

a. Planning and monitoring all activities related to the unit’s performance and development.
b. Preparing the unit’s annual budget and overseeing its implementation.
c. Submitting an annual report to the Academic Committee.

Executive Roles:

a. Appointments are made by the Dean.
b. The Unit’s Executive Director is responsible for financial and administrative matters.
c. Performance reports are submitted to the Dean as needed.

Expected Outcomes:

a. Implementation of various training activities for faculty members.
b. Training all university staff on the use of computers and multimedia devices.
c. Assisting faculty members and students in preparing educational materials using modern software.
d. Establishing an information database that includes all lectures and materials presented by faculty members across different fields of medical education, with the aim of updating the academic curriculum map.
e. Analyzing the outcomes and performance of workshops and activities within the Educational Development Unit and presenting them in forums for discussion and improvement.
f. Keeping the information related to the unit’s activities updated on the college’s website.

EDU Teaching Staff

Professor Amal Mahmoud Saeed – EDU Director

Professor of Physiology, ECFMG Fellowship in education

Professor M.Y. Sukkar  

Professor in physiology,

Who, consultant on Educational and Research 

Professor Zain El Abdin A. Karrar

Professor of Paediatrics,

Former SMC Chairman

Other affiliated Staff.

Prof. Bashir Hamad.

Dr. Tahra Elsadig

Dr. Ahmed Khalid

Evaluation of EDC

Activities is done through direct feedback and questionnaires.

Planned Activities

Basic educational workshops

On- demand workshops for institutions or groups.

In-house workshops and training for NU faculty & staff.