Information & Communications Technology (ICT)

Acting Director
The journey of the ICT at Nile University, which culminated in its development and Establishment as a key asset at Nile University, has demanded a great effort, and institutional decision, to clearly define its vision and objectivise.
The University has spared no means for the provision of first route infrastructures and facilities, for up To date technological and networking facilities, ICT provides the University with its programming and networks needs for the administration, students’ affairs, the financial department and personnel.
The centre plays and key role in the facilitation teaching and learning, supply of E-Learning programs and training for teachers and students and the provision of internetfacilities.
The centre is responsible for the updating and daily management of the recently renewed university website.
Organisation Structure of ICT Centre

Regulations of the Informatics Committee
In accordance with section (17), paragraph (5) of the Nile University Act of 2020, the Academic Council has issued the following regulations:
Title and Commencement of the Regulations
These regulations shall be known as the “Regulations of the Informatics Committee,” and shall come into effect from the date the Chairperson of the Academic Council signs them.
In these regulations, unless the context requires otherwise, the following terms and phrases shall have the meanings assigned to them:
- University: Refers to Nile University.
- College: Refers to any college within Nile University.
- Academic Programs: Refers to the study programs that lead to the awarding of a degree.
- Library: Refers to the Library of Nile University.
Composition of the Committee
The Informatics Committee shall be composed as follows:
- Deputy University Director: Chairperson.
- Director of the Learning Unit: Member/Deputy Chairperson.
- Dean of Academic Affairs: Member.
- Dean of the College of Computer Studies: Member.
- Director of the Computer Center: Member and Rapporteur.
- Library Director: Member.
- Director of Quality Management: Member.
- Invited members as per the agenda.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Committee
The committee is responsible for all matters related to the use of information systems and technology in educational processes and the oversight of administrative quality. The committee’s duties and responsibilities are as follows:
- Monitoring and utilizing information related to educational and administrative quality control.
- Developing an annual plan to be submitted to the university administration, specifying the required costs.
- Proposing the necessary foundations for managing and supervising the university’s website.
- Coordinating with the Library Committee in selecting educational materials.
- Providing advice to the university administration regarding the institution’s needs for educational programs, devices, software, and administrative systems.
- Supervising the maintenance and renewal of administrative and educational systems and devices.
- Planning and organizing training activities in the field of informatics for faculty members and staff to enhance performance and quality, in coordination with the university administration and relevant units.
- Submitting an annual report to the university administration at the end of each academic year.
Committee Meetings
- The committee shall meet periodically at least once every two months.
- The committee chairperson may call for meetings whenever deemed necessary.
General Provisions
- The committee has the right to form subcommittees and invite collaborating members for any purposes it deems necessary, provided that their reports and recommendations are approved by the committee.
- The committee shall submit its recommendations and decisions to the university administration.