About the Business Faculty

Subgroups of experienced teachers took the responsibility for preparing the detailed course outlines according to the format provided by Nile University, each course was given a code, which consists of three numbers, the first number from the left indicates the year and the other two are the course number, the courses include:
- Ministry of Higher Education requirement courses amount to 15% of total credit hours.
- Faculty courses amount to 63% of the total credit hours.
The methods of instruction applied are :
- The lecture method will be used judiciously
- Tutorials and student lead seminars
- Assignments
- Practical Exercises
- Workplace assignment and training
A team of specialized academicians in different areas of management, such as Human Resources, Strategic Management, Marketing, Production and Operations Management, Total Quality Management, Project Management, Economics, Accounting, Finance, Information Technology and Mathematics was formed to design the program of Business Administration.
The team reflects different background views and expertise to stimulate and enrich an outcome of high quality.
- The new program of Business Administration & Accounting is a four year (eight semesters) program.
- There are two specializations for the time being, the two specializations are Management Specialization and Accounting Specialization”
- The prerequisites of the Ministry of Higher Education in the first two years of the program (four semesters) , courses of the two Specializations will be offered in semesters seven & eight
- The curriculum aims to add new dimensions in the study of business studies academically and professionally
The Faculty of Business Administration has Two Departments, namely Management Administration and Accounting.
Management Administration
This department aims to advance and communicate knowledge concerning business management, strategic management, organizational behaviour, marketing, human resources and information technology as shown in the curriculum for four years.
This department aims to gain advanced theoretical and practical knowledge of accounting and finance, mastering computational and calculation skills. As shown in the curriculum for four years study financial accounting, cost accounting, management accounting, financial management, corporate finance and auditing.