Nile University – Sudan

Faculty of Medicine
Cells & molecules Sem 2

Basic Sciences Education Foundation Year
Faculty of Medicine
Cells & molecules

Course N⁰ :  C&M 111                    

Coordinator (Preferable specialty) Histology

Credit Hours: (2+1) 3 hr

Semester: 2

Module Objectives

  1. Describe the structure of a typical cell
  2. Relate the structure of each of the intracellular components to function
  3. Explain the function of the cell membrane
  4. Develop an awareness of the general structure of tissues including their classification & functions
  5. List biologically active molecules & their roles in life processes
  6. Develop an awareness of environmental & behavioral factors in the pathogenesis of disease

Content Inputs

1.   Histology 

: light & electron microscopy of cells & tissues

2.   Physiology

: cell membrane functions; including electrical properties. 

3.   Biochemistry

: cell composition, biologically active molecules

4.   Microbiology

: introduction mono-cellular organisms & viruses

5.   Pathology

: introduction to neoplasia

6.   Community medicine

: pollution, Smoking, Food Additives


Relevant Case Studies

Lung cancer; HIV; glycogen storage disease

Cells & Molecules Module Catalogue Information:

Symbol & name

: C&M111, Cells & Molecules


: Freshmen, Semester (1)


  Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy


: None

Contact Hours

: 2, 1-Hour per week lectures


1, 3-Hours per week practical



Credit Hours

: 3


: 16 weeks



Goals and Objectives


  • Introduction to the fundamentals of the chemical & molecular basis of life, with emphasis on the functional contributions to homeostasis of the cell membranes, intracellular components, and the variety of cells and tissues.
  • Provision of a fundamental core of knowledge and skills which will assist smooth transition to the next level medical sciences such as physiology, anatomy, histology, biochemistry, microbiology, and pathology.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Learn the basic rules of working in a biology laboratory, including the proper and effective use of the microscope and the safe handling of material.
  • Grasp the basic concepts of the fine structure and function of cells and organelles, and the diversity of cells.
  • Study the origin of cells (meiosis & mitosis): cellular basis of sexual reproduction, embryonic tissue development.
  • Understand the chemical & molecular mechanisms of life at the cellular level and the importance of water as the solvent of life.
  • Be familiar with the dynamic nature and activities of the cell membranes, and their contribution to homeostasis and cellular functions.
  • Review the structure, replication, and recombination of chromosomes; transcription & gene regulation, the genetic code, translation, and mutations.
  • Be knowledgeable of emerging applications of molecular biology in the medical field (pharmacogenetics, pharmacogenomics).

5. Educational Methods







Lectures ___ü


Small gr.




Laboratory _ü


St. seminar


Assignments _ü


Cl. Conf. ___


Cl. Attachment




Cl. Rotation


Tutorials ______ü




6. Student Performance Assessment (Approximate)

§  Continuous Assessment = 45%

:20% Mid-Semester written examination


:10% Assignments/Quizzes


:15% Laboratory work & records

§  End of Semester Examinations = 55%

:20% Practical Examination Session


:35% Semester-end Examination Paper