Faculty of Medicine
Cells & molecules Sem 2
Basic Sciences Education
Foundation Year
Faculty of Medicine
Cells & molecules
Course N⁰ : C&M 111
Coordinator (Preferable specialty) Histology
Credit Hours: (2+1) 3 hr
Semester: 2
Module Objectives
- Describe the structure of a typical cell
- Relate the structure of each of the intracellular components to function
- Explain the function of the cell membrane
- Develop an awareness of the general structure of tissues including their classification & functions
- List biologically active molecules & their roles in life processes
- Develop an awareness of environmental & behavioral factors in the pathogenesis of disease
Content Inputs
1. Histology | : light & electron microscopy of cells & tissues |
2. Physiology | : cell membrane functions; including electrical properties. |
3. Biochemistry | : cell composition, biologically active molecules |
4. Microbiology | : introduction mono-cellular organisms & viruses |
5. Pathology | : introduction to neoplasia |
6. Community medicine | : pollution, Smoking, Food Additives
Relevant Case Studies
Lung cancer; HIV; glycogen storage disease
Cells & Molecules Module Catalogue Information:
Symbol & name | : C&M111, Cells & Molecules |
Audience | : Freshmen, Semester (1) |
| Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy |
Prerequisites | : None |
Contact Hours | : 2, 1-Hour per week lectures |
| 1, 3-Hours per week practical |
| Tutorials |
Credit Hours | : 3 |
Duration | : 16 weeks |
Goals and Objectives
- Introduction to the fundamentals of the chemical & molecular basis of life, with emphasis on the functional contributions to homeostasis of the cell membranes, intracellular components, and the variety of cells and tissues.
- Provision of a fundamental core of knowledge and skills which will assist smooth transition to the next level medical sciences such as physiology, anatomy, histology, biochemistry, microbiology, and pathology.
Learning Objectives
Students will:
- Learn the basic rules of working in a biology laboratory, including the proper and effective use of the microscope and the safe handling of material.
- Grasp the basic concepts of the fine structure and function of cells and organelles, and the diversity of cells.
- Study the origin of cells (meiosis & mitosis): cellular basis of sexual reproduction, embryonic tissue development.
- Understand the chemical & molecular mechanisms of life at the cellular level and the importance of water as the solvent of life.
- Be familiar with the dynamic nature and activities of the cell membranes, and their contribution to homeostasis and cellular functions.
- Review the structure, replication, and recombination of chromosomes; transcription & gene regulation, the genetic code, translation, and mutations.
- Be knowledgeable of emerging applications of molecular biology in the medical field (pharmacogenetics, pharmacogenomics).
5. Educational Methods
Method | Hours/wk | Method | Hours/wk | Method | Hours/wk |
Lectures ___ü | 2 | Small gr. |
| PBL |
Laboratory _ü | 3 | St. seminar | Var. | Assignments _ü |
Cl. Conf. ___ |
| Cl. Attachment |
| Clerkship |
Cl. Rotation |
| Tutorials ______ü | Var. | Other: |
6. Student Performance Assessment (Approximate)
§ Continuous Assessment = 45% | :20% Mid-Semester written examination |
| :10% Assignments/Quizzes |
| :15% Laboratory work & records |
§ End of Semester Examinations = 55% | :20% Practical Examination Session |
| :35% Semester-end Examination Paper |