Nile University – Sudan


A Message from the Dean

Change your future and achieve beyond that

We are pleased that Nile University (NU) is one of your choices, NU is a trustworthy non-governmental joint stock Sudanese university. 

The College of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, NU is committed to helping candidates to achieve their personal, professional and academic expectations.


The College aims to:

  •  Enrich human knowledge by introducing focused study programs and original scientific research. 
  •  Provide high-quality educational experiences to enable university graduates to pursue higher qualifications.
  •  Create a welcoming and inclusive environment in which everyone can thrive through a dedicated team of professionals and committed academics.

Priorities of the Graduate College as follows:

  1. Inaugurating the Master’s Degree and Ph.D. Programs in the disciplines approved by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. 
  2. Announcement and call for applications for the NU-funded research grants.
  3. Taking advantage of the existing and thriving laboratories to enhance the role of staff members in implementing research and graduate studies programs.
  4.  Partnerships with academic and research institutions inside Sudan and abroad.


Welcoming. Although challenges are sure to come our way, we are available and ready to assist prospective candidates and researchers. 

About the College of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Nile University

Nile University (NU) is a non-governmental joint stock institution that aspires to be a leading academic university committed to the creation, dissemination and application of knowledge in the fields of health sciences and social sciences. 

NU is a student-centered university that creates and disseminates knowledge through world-class undergraduate education, post-graduate studies and research programs that would benefit and are crucial to achieving the university goals of becoming a leading educational institution and a model in the country and the region.

The college of aims to provide challenging studies for graduate students who seek the knowledge and competencies that would enhance their cultural, behavioral and philosophical values. We work to ensure that University achieves its goals by helping to establish a research-based educational environment. 

The College of works closely with NU staff, post-graduate students, faculties and departments on research-related issues within the university as well as with other research-oriented institutions. 

The guiding principle is to generate a positive work environment that facilitates, encourages, and removes obstacles. We aim to create opportunities conducive to attaining high quality graduate education as well as challenging research experiences for the development and application of research techniques and in the interpretation of derived information.

Graduate Degrees Offered

The following post-graduate degrees have been approved by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to be awarded by Nile University.

M.Sc. Human Physiology

  • Introduction:

The reasoning for establishing a master degree in Human Physiology at this point in time is the scarcity of qualified physiologists, strongly felt by almost all medical colleges in the Sudan and in neighboring countries. Taking into account the increasing number of medical and health sciences schools in the face of the decreased number of PhD and MSc holders, the need for this program is very evident.


1.2. Degree Objectives:

  • The program aims at the provision of teaching & learning environment as well as appropriate experience to qualify young men and women who aspire to take up medical basic sciences careers in human physiology. 
  •  The program provides candidates with opportunities for learning and practice of teaching skills. 
  •  The program aims at developing research, educational facilities in tandem with international trends. 
  • The organizers are to foster relationships with others research and graduate studies institutions both locality and abroad.


1.3. Admission:

Eligible candidates must have obtained an MB BS, or B Pharm or BDS honors degree with a grade of 2nd class upper division at least to be admitted. Other grades of the above degrees will require qualifying examination equivalent to the 2nd MB examination with a score of 60%. The applicant has to attend selected courses as advised by the degree committee before taking the qualifying examination.

M.Sc. Biochemistry

  • 2.1 Introduction

    Biochemistry is the study of chemical processes in living organisms, including, but not limited to living matter. By controlling information flow through biochemical signaling and the flow of chemical energy through metabolism, biochemical processes give rise to the incredible complexity of life. Much of biochemistry deals with the structures and functions of cellular components such as proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids and other biomolecules Processes rather than individual molecules are the main focus of the program.

    2.2  Degree Objectives

    • To provide a sound understanding of every aspect of the structure and function of living things at the molecular level and to utilize the knowledge for the benefit of mankind. 
    • To promote the competence of biochemists to a superior level in accordance with emerging advances in the science. The course is based on interdisciplinary nature of Biochemistry, Chemistry, Molecular Biology and Genetics.
    • To oblige students to read original publications and envisages significant inputs in laboratory work, communication skills, creativity, planning, execution and critical evaluation of the scientific data.


    1. A candidate seeking admission to MSc Biochemistry must have a B.Sc. Honors (at least second lower) in Biological Sciences (Biochemistry, Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, Biotechnology or Microbiology) or MBBS, MLS, B.V.Sc., B.Sc. Agriculture, B.Sc. or B.Pharm. 
    2. Candidates who do not fulfill the above requirements are required to take courses and sit for a qualifying examination, equivalent to honors degree courses. 
    3. Candidates may be subjected for an aptitude test including proficiency in English language.

M. Sc. In Molecular Biology and Genetics

3.1  Introduction

Molecular Biology and Genetics are a cornerstone of modern Biomedical Sciences. The advancement in Molecular Biology and Genetics will lead to the development of advanced technologies and high-quality research that are important, e.g. in the diagnosis as well as in the cure of metabolic and cellular dysfunctions and in the management of many other diseases. There is emphasis on development of new technologies, study of basic biological processes and use of this knowledge to tackle specific problems in human health and disease, including the development and discovery of new therapeutic agents. There are very few centers in Sudan capable and equipped to deliver such courses, train and examine candidates in Molecular Biology and Genetics. Nile University established a Centre capable of delivering such advanced technologies. 


3.2. Degree Objectives  

 To provide students with knowledge of molecular genetics, quantitative and statistical genetics and human disease and how this can be applied to improve healthcare through the development and application of diagnostic tests and therapeutic agents.

To provide students with an excellent background in the theoretical aspects of bimolecular sciences and familiarity with laboratory techniques.

To stimulate the capability of students to plan and implement research projects and to evaluate the results of their research and those of the scientific literature. 

To provide the ability of the students to bring to the society the benefits of advanced research in the life sciences.

To carries out demonstrations and explanations on basic practical Molecular Biology and Genetics courses.

3.2. Admission

Candidate must have a B.Sc. Honors (at least upper second) in Biological Sciences (Zoology, Botany, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Microbiology or Chemistry) or MBBS, B.V.Sc. BDS., B.Sc. (Agriculture), B.MLS and Phar. B. or a Degree from Nile University or its equivalent. 

Candidates who do not fulfil the above requirements are required to take courses and sit for a qualifying examination.

Candidates must have good level of English language. 

All applicants are required to pass an interview.

College of Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research Functional Organizational Structure


Vision and Mission

The Vision of Nile University

The Vision of Nile University is dedication to community development through sound policies, provision of high quality educational & service resources as well as upholding multicultural values & heritage.

“Nile University is a private institution of higher learning, which draws on age-old traditions of higher education in the Sudan. The pioneering Khartoum University College & the University of Khartoum upheld those traditions for more than half a century. The ideals of integrity, excellence and relevance were high on their list. It is the Vision of Nile University to uphold these ideals as well as to pursue innovative goals both in direction and method.

The threshold of the twenty-first century is witnessing dynamic technological and socio-economic change. These developments exert new demands on the resources of existing and future institution of higher education, not only in numbers but also in the quality of education and training. It is the Vision of Nile University to contribute to national socio- economic development through promotion of services, education and manpower development.

Optimum employment of educational and professional manpower will require an attractive working environment and conditions of service. It is the Vision of Nile University to attract highly qualified personnel especially in the fields of Health Services, Business, and Information Technology both at undergraduate and graduate education”.

The Mission of Nile University

The Mission of Nile University centres on quality management of services in education, health care, research & socio-cultural development. 

Education, research and services resources will be managed with new prospective maintenance of quality and continuous improvement and upholding cultural values, based on the realization that multicultural heritage and cultural diversity are both strength and a weakness.

This mission will be achieved by:

  • Provision of educational programs of international standard.
  • Quality management of educational programs & services.
  • Participation in community development & promoting the principles of social responsibility.
  • Using learning experiences aiming at personal & professional development.
  • Supporting scientific research.
  • Upholding social values & multicultural heritage.

Philosophy of Nile University Faculties

Under the burden of underdevelopment, the following convictions represent the philosophy which underpins the faculty design of disciplinary and interdisciplinary degrees that guide the development of Nile University programs.

  • Education as a goal in itself leads to self-development that in turn leads to the improvement of the quality of life of the individual, the family and the community. It is also a mean to build sound values and morality necessary for good citizenship.
  • Higher education is the pinnacle of educational achievements that aim at capacity building of effective and competent manpower development. 
  • Higher Education is the interface between the nation and the world of higher learning and research. The transfer of knowledge, science and technology is one of its primary functions.
  • Adult education and continuing professional development are a major concern in modern societies.
  • The University endeavours to interact with and develop the capacity of the community under conditions of famine and strife as well as in prosperity and peace.
  • Educational goals aim at the development of higher cognitive skills as well as professional competence and attitudes rather than emphasis of theoretical and lower cognitive levels.
  • Educational methods are selected on the basis of effectiveness through encouragement of active learning and development of self-learning habits; and utilization of information technology.
  • Evaluation methods ensure assessment of knowledge, skills and attitudes using predetermined criteria based on “Educational Outcomes”.

Nile University Goals

Based on the mission and philosophy the main goals which guide the formulation of each Faculty objectives include.

  • Graduates should have acquired a high standard of social and professional ethics.
  • Programs of study leading to a acquisition of knowledge and culture necessary for development of good citizenship.
  • Training opportunities for professionals capable of contributing to services as well as socio-economic development.
  • Support of scientific research and upholding the ethics of research.
  • The facilities of Nile University will contribute to community services and development through its various institutions, its faculty and students.
  • Nile University will take initiatives in the fields of continuous professional and personal development.
  • Faculties at Nile University will support authorship and publishing

(For more elaborate educational outcomes consult the curriculum documents.)

To sum up our vision, mission and educational philosophy, Nile University Adopts the Acronym QCCC which stands for






Directions for Graduate Studies

Area Development studies are very good following upon the traditional scholarly education development strategies of the University of Khartoum. This strategy has followed the steps of British universities and has no doubt contributed to knowledge and scholarly publications. It has led to the accusation of the university of Khartoum scholars as living in ivory towers. That is not to say that scholarly, in-depth research is not important. On the contrary, I am all in favor of in-depth studies and research especially those leading to understanding our society and our environment and at the same time contributing to knowledge in general.

What I would like to see is some thinking outside the box.

We have produced thousands of university graduates and postgraduates, but the Sudan seems to have failed to making use of use their maximum potentialities them. Or let us say that those who found themselves in leadership and decision making have failed in making a major difference in the sixty years since independence. We have failed in creating working systems that allow our graduates and specialists to flourish and contribute; as they do in Europe, the states, international organizations and the Gulf States.

This indicates that given a system and a work environment and, in both cases, well managed quality assurance, our young men and women can be efficient and productive. Is this evidence an evidence that our education system can produce people who can follow (work) but cannot create systems (excepting a few who have had the opportunity to do so)?

At one point in time we used to say we need planners. We now have so many who can plan & can talk for hours about planning and criticize existing plans; but they lack the leadership.

Creating a system or developing an existing one requires committed leaders; who have vision and can see the way ahead and therefore make the right decisions about what sound reforms need to take place. It also requires good management including strict concern for quality. 

Does this indicate that our education systems have failed in producing the leaders who have the vision to lead the Sudan to a state of development at least to take it out of the group of least developed countries, to take the Sudan from the state of being a consumer to that of producer? We often hear of the experiences of Southeast Asian countries and wonder how they did it.
Many attributes these stories of success to the leaders who put education at the top of their agenda priorities. We are still fighting wars because of our failure in equitable economic development, giving excuses to foreign interventions and the vicious cycle goes on.
We need to think of a way to get out of this vicious cycle. The way out is through quality education. I am sure all of us know that this is a very long-term solution; but thinking outside the box, we do not need to follow the traditional path of calling for an education conference for general or for higher education and end up with well-meaning recommendations. And we do not despair and change the government to be followed by yet another who do more of the same.

I propose the establishment of an academy or several academies for Developmental studies with the primary goal of CPD & focus on the development of leadership skills. There is no doubt that the Sudan has thousands of men and women with an intense love of their country and many who have advanced expertise in various branches of the humanities, social and life sciences. They would be the target of the CPD programs. They possess the knowledge but they need the training to develop the commitment to the work ethics, managerial and leadership skills which will enable the Sudan to develop strategies totally committed to equitable socio-economic development.

The key word is work ethics.  For developing a curriculum & methods we can start asking and reflecting on a key question: What are the socio-cultural and ethical drawbacks that hindered the leaders of our government systems for the past sixty years? If we answer this question we can design a program for the proposed program/s. 

To safeguard against failure of achieving its goals, a rigorous system of governance needs to be in place.

The targeted learners in the Academy shall be between the age 25 and 35 without any sort of discrimination. They should have excellent linguistic intelligence among other attributes e.g. Social, numerical, emotional & other aspects of intelligence. 

The overarching goals of the graduate courses are the development of interpersonal skills, managerial skills and commutation both verbal and written. Cognitive skills should include public speaking, writing of in-depth reports essays and debates should be high on the list of teaching and learning methods. These courses may lead to graduate diplomas or be considered as credits for relevant degrees such as MBAs & Project management MScs.

Methods of teaching & learning should include as much experiential learning & field work as possible. These are more likely to be effective especially to develop positive personal attitudes, team work and professionalism. Such methods will aim at developing integrity and to do away with cultural, personal or social impediments of leadership.

The target groups are preferably drawn from university graduates and those who have obtained a postgraduate degree or training; and should not exclude men and women who have proved themselves in public service and community work experiences. 

If (when) we can avoid the pitfalls of previous generations, this proposal may provide a shortcut to the alternative pathway towards the training of future leaders, viz: Waiting for the educational revolution to materialize.


Organization Structure of Graduate studies
