Librarian’s Message
- The deanship derives its mission from the mission of the university. The library of Nile University is an axis for providing information services by collecting and disseminating information, enriching access to information sources and establishing them to raise the efficiency and quality of the educational process.
- We also serve society by meeting information needs in the field of informatics in order to support the community in general and the academic research community in particular
- The university has established its libraries in order to contribute to the achievement of the three goals of the university, education, scientific research and community service. Therefore, it is believed that the university’s academic performance depends on three elements, the student, the professor and the library.
Providing High Quality Information Services to Support the Educational and Research Process in the University and the Community.
- Developing the Infrastructure of University Libraries in Accordance with International Standards for Libraries.
- Contribute to the Promotion of Scientific Research, Teaching and Learning Resources.
- Cooperate with Local and International Libraries and Open Areas of Partnership and Twinning.
- Promoting Community Culture in Reading, and Research.

About UN Libraries
Although the University Library was established in 2007, the Deanship was established in 2023 and the university libraries became an academic entity represented in the university council.
The Deanship supervises technically and administratively all library affairs at the university including central and branch libraries, in addition to technical and administrative departments. It is also responsible for organizing and participating in book fairs, distributing publications issued by the university, in addition to representing the university at the national, regional, Arab and international levels.
The library Deanships is also responsible for development and supervision of the Digital Libraries and the digital outlets at the various sites.
Opening Hours
Normal Library Hours: From 8am to 2:30pm
During Exams: From 8am to 4:30pm
During Ramadan From 8:30am to 1:30pm
Library controls
- Show the library card upon entry.
- Put the Bag and your Book in the Designated Place.
- Not to eat, drink, talk, Using your mobile inside the library.
- Leave library books on the table.
- Do not leave residues on the tables and return the chair upon leaving.
- Computers and the Internet are for academic use only.
- Do not write on books or put any signs or lines.
The Main Library
It is located in the main building on the 4th floor and contains books, periodicals, computers with internet access and university theses for the faculties of medicine, nursing, pharmacy and medical laboratories. Working hours are from 8 am to 2:30 pm.
We are Here
To respond to inquiries in the form of a conversation during working hours and to leave a form to be filled out by the users during non-working hours containing the name, email and inquiry

Subsidiary Libraries
The Museum Library
It is located in the basement of the main building and contains books, computers with internet access, and models of human organs for the medical Faculties. Working hours are from 8 am to 2:30 pm.
Business Administration and Faculty of Information Library
It is located in the Business Administration Building and IT on the 2nd floor. It contains books, magazines and computers with internet access. Working hours are from 8 am to 2:30 pm.
Direct Reference Service
A librarian is available to answer all inquiries of the users and to assist in obtaining the required and accurate information.
Electronic Reference Service
Responding to the users inquiries through e-mail
Ongoing Briefing Service
It is a service provided by the library to its users (students or teaching staff) to inform them of any new information in the library, such as the arrival of information sources or the provision of new services, through their emails or accounts.
Internal Review
Reading inside the library and using all sources of information
Lending Services
The library provides borrowing services for students, faculty and staff, according to specific controls