Research Stories
We welcome and support the research interests of young scientists and are open to innovative approaches in education and health services, in particular those related to issues in developing countries. As part of its efforts to promote research, the University is constructing a dedicated Medical Research Center at its Medical Campus, which already hosts the College of Medicine and Health Sciences and the University Hospital. The main purpose of establishing the Medical Research Center is to provide the required infrastructure for the advancement of medical research and the development of postgraduate studies on site. The College looks forward to carrying out its Mission of becoming a center of scholarship and competence in medical research. Research interests and scientists can be found in our website.
Below are, also, some useful documents on research and research ethics:
Staff Publications
We welcome and support the research interests of young scientists and are open to innovative approaches in education and health services, in particular those related to issues in developing countries. As part of its efforts to promote research, the University is constructing a dedicated Medical Research Center at its Medical Campus, which already hosts the College of Medicine and Health Sciences and the University Hospital. Below are the links of each department staff publications:
Medicine :
- Professor Suliman Salah Fadil
- Professor Mohamed Yousif Sukkar
- Professor Abdulrahman Mohamed Musa
- Professor Amal Mahmoud Saeed
- Professor Hamad Ali Hamad El-Turabi
- Professor Abdaltif Ashmaig
- Professor Sumaia Mohamed Al Fadil
- Professor Mohamed Eltahir
- Dr. Hassan Abdellha Ahmed Ali.
- Dr. Omer Mohamed Abdalla Elhag
- Dr. Maha Elhadi Osma
- Dr.Amna S. Omer
- Dr. Amar Babiker Elhussein
- Professor.Humeida Ali El- Obeid
- Professor. Elsheikh Ali Elobeid Talib
- Professor Younis Mohamed Elhassan Younis
- Dr. Asim Halfawi Shargi Adam
- Dr. Cathrine Victor
- Dr. Samrin Khalil
Medical Laboratories Science:
- Professor Nasr Aldin Bilal Mohamed
- Dr. Dia Eldin Ahmed Salih
- Dr. Nada Abdelghani Abdelrahim,
- Dr. Kawthar Abd Elgalil
Computer System & Information Technology :
- Dr. Talat Mohi Eldin Wahbi
- Dr. Azza Zeinelabdin Abdelrahim Karrar
- Dr. Waleed
- Dr. Omer
- Dr. Fatima Mustafa
Business Management & Accounting:
- Professor Osman Hasan Saeed
- Dr. Eltahir Ahmed Khalid
- Dr. Osman Ahmed Elfaki
- Dr. Salma
- Dr. Tayba
Foundation Courses:
- Dr. Ayman Karar
- Dr. Naema Sanhory